Four Seasons Packages

The Four Seasons Packages are the core of the ZGCDogs Photography Service. This is where "being part of a pack" offers huge benefits. Every Four Season Package is a 1 year entitlement to unlimited photos from optional participation in over 100 walkies, mini photo-shoots, throughout the year, at various locations across the canton of Zürich. Four seasons membership also includes discounts on Pack Events (photo shoots outside of canton Zürich) and all other GPP photo services, at rates that depend on membership level.
1 year package
100+ photo opportunities / year
Free photo-shoots up to 20 mins
Free photo downloads
Private online gallery
Discounts on GPP photo-shoots
Pack communications

Four Seasons Waggy Tail
Valid for 12 months
Full Quality Download - all photos FREE
Online private (shareable) photo gallery
Four Seasons Social Network

Four Seasons 1 Paw
Valid for 12 months
As Waggy Tail, plus:
33% off Pack Event Tickets
5% off all GPP photo packages

Four Seasons 2 Paw
Valid for 12 months
As Waggy Tail, plus:
50% off Pack Event Tickets
10% off all GPP photo packages

Four Seasons 3 Paw
Valid for 12 months
As Waggy Tail, plus:
66% off Pack Event Ticket Prices
15% off all GPP photo packages

Four Seasons 4 Paw
Valid for 12 months
As Waggy Tail, plus:
75% off Pack Event tickets
20% off all GPP photo packages

Four Seasons VID
Valid for 12 months
As Waggy Tail, plus:
Free Tickets (up to 2 hours) @ Pack Events
25% off all GPP photo packages
Four Seasons Packages
Select the one that works best for you
Four Sessions Packages FAQ
What is a Four Seasons Package?
A Four Seasons Package provides one year of unlimited access to photos from optional participation in over 100 Walkies Sessions and mini photo shoots at various locations throughout Canton Zurich. It also includes photos taken at Pack Events (ticketed photo shoots outside of Canton Zurich).
For a one-time fee, Four Seasons membership comes with discounts on Pack Event tickets and all other GPP photography services, with rates varying based on membership level.
These packages are the cornerstone of the ZGCDogs Photography Service, offering significant benefits for those looking for top-notch dog photography while being part of a community.
What are the differences among the Four Seasons Packages?
There are currently six levels of Four Seasons Packages, listed from lowest to highest:
Waggy Tail
1 Paw
2 Paws
3 Paws
4 Paws
VID (Very Important Dog)
All packages grant access to the same online gallery and photo download rights.
The main differences lie in the discounts offered for Pack Events and other GPP services.
If you're not interested in Pack Events or additional GPP services, the Waggy Tail package is the best choice. However, if you plan to participate in more events or utilize other GPP services, the higher-level packages will provide greater cost efficiency.
VID level members also receive priority slots for Pack Events.
When is a Four Seasons Package more advantageous than a Taster Package?
The Four Seasons Package offers several benefits over the Taster Package:
Walikes Sessions: Four Seasons package members can have longer mini-photo shoots at Walkies Sessions (10-20 mins vs. 3-10 mins).
Private Online Galleries: Taster Package galleries feature watermarked images, while Four Seasons galleries do not. Additionally, Taster galleries are only accessible to one user, whereas Four Seasons galleries can be shared with friends and family.
Photo Purchases: If you anticipate buying more than 10-15 high-quality photos in a year, the Four Seasons Package is likely the more cost-effective option.
Participation in Events: If you plan to participate in multiple Pack Events or use other GPP photo services, the Four Seasons Package will typically offer better value.
Community Interaction: Four Seasons members can also connect with each other on the ZGCDogs social network, should they choose to do so.
Is a Four Seasons package worth considering for those outside of Zurich?
If any of the following apply to you over the course of a year, a Four Seasons package may be beneficial:
You plan to participate in more than two Walkies Sessions in Canton Zurich.
You expect to attend at least one Pack Event anywhere in Switzerland.
You anticipate purchasing more than 10-15 high-quality photos from ZGCDogs photography services.
Furthermore, if you’re interested in additional photography services from Geoff Pegler Photography, this could further justify the value of a Four Seasons package.
Does the Four Seasons Package auto-renew - is it a subscription?
No, each package is valid for one year only.
Before your current package expires, you’ll be asked if you’d like to purchase a new one, but there’s no obligation to do so. You also don’t need to notify us if you decide to discontinue your Four Seasons membership.
If you choose to purchase another Four Seasons package, you can continue using your existing online gallery. However, if you don’t buy a new package within two months of your current one ending, your gallery will either be moved to a "pawsed" or "kennel" area or deleted, based on your preference.
What facilities does the ZGCDogs website offer to Four Seasons Members?
Holders of the Four Seasons package gain membership to the Four Seasons Group on our website and can choose to participate in an online ZGCDogs social network.
This feature is currently under development and will be enhanced based on interest levels.
What is the process for upgrading from a Taster package to a Four Seasons package?
If you choose to upgrade to a Four Seasons Package within two months of participating in your first Taster Session, any photo purchases will be credited at 75% towards the Four Seasons Package fee.
Your dog's Taster photo gallery will be transferred to the Four Seasons members area, all watermarks will be removed, and you'll gain full-quality download access to all your photos.
You can also extend gallery access to selected friends, family, and other specified individuals.
If you wait longer than two months to upgrade to Four Seasons, your Taster gallery will remain unchanged, and a new Four Seasons gallery will be created for new photos.
Alternatively, you can opt to pay a pro-rata fee based on the Waggy Tail package to have your photos migrated.